The advantages associated with successful in-house agencies are both plentiful and compelling. Aside from the obvious cost benefits, positives ranging from easy collaboration to corporate loyalty make up the balance. Together, these hard and soft attributes serve to increase revenue and profitability, giving companies the green light to invest in “big-win” opportunities, creative resources, product development, new technologies and more. Thus the never-ending improvement cycle gains even more momentum. Now is a rewarding time to put this forward motion to work in your company. The guidance in this paper will help you get started.
Want to Learn More?
As an industry leader in managed solutions for creative, marketing and digital teams, Cella has years of knowledge and thought leadership to share with you and your organization. Whether you’d like our experts to guide your team to the best decisions, you’re interested in partnering to build or expand your IHA, or you want us to assist with embedding a dedicated team, we’re here to help. Let’s have a conversation.